If you have never used a delivery service through an intermediary like us, here's what we offer you:
You want to order goods from a German online stores, but the merchant does not offer delivery to Bulgaria, or offer it at a very high price? Order goods to our address in Germany and we will deliver your shipment to Bulgaria at a very reasonable price!
Transportation is not charged with commission on the price of goods because you are settling the order and payment.
You liked something from a German site, but do not know how to shop it? Or the site does not accept Bulgarian Credit Cards of payment? Order goods through us, and we will take care for arrival to our address, to pay on arrival in Germany for them, and then bring them to Bulgaria.
Assisted shopping is charged with the standard commission as described at section "Price" for price of goods and transports it within Germany to our address. After delivery to our address standard prices for transport to Bulgaria are valid. Assisted shopping is an unseparated part of the transport service and cannot be combined with other services.
You liked something from German site, but the shop only offers pickup from address as delivery. In this case, send inquiry to us for the cost of concrete pickup service form taking from address and we will give you detailed information for the price from a particular destination.
To be able to use our services you need to have registered on our site. Registration is free and takes an average of about 5 minutes. In the registration form is introduced briefly desired username, both names of registrants and optional address, and contact phone number. Your data are protected under the Law on Personal Data Protection.
- Information about the address of pratki.de in Germany, which you can use for delivery of your shipments.
- Own profile at pratki.de, where you can track your items to order transportation of packages and / or assisted shopping.
If you want to buy the goods themselves, make the order and payment under the terms of the retailers. The address for receiving goods as referred to our address in Germany (when shopping in eBay.de and some other sites it is necessary that you have previously entered our address in your account and finalize the transaction to select it)
If you are unable to order goods or prefer someone else to buy it for you, simply fill out the shopping and award -assisted transport. It links to fill your selected items price ( or maximum amount you are willing to pay if you need to play at an auction ) , the number, size items , etc. (If you need help or wish to place an order - contact us by email or phone)
Within 24 hours (weekdays) send you a message informing you of the value of the ordered items and the estimated value of the supply. We need you to translate the required amount to purchase the most convenient method for you - cash, PayPal or bank transfer. Shopping commission is paid in advance and transport costs and other expenses which might arise (eg levy cash / Nachnahme) are paid only after the shipment arrives in Bulgaria.
Until 48 hours after the transfer of the amount from your side we purchase your desired products.
After arrival of the goods at our office in Germany, they are weighed. On your email you receive a notification that we have received the consignment inform you about the real value of the service (calculated by weight).
When the shipment arrives in Bulgaria we will notify you by email that the shipment is ready for pickup. You can choose the shipping method / making the shipment with courier.
Parcels can be received in the following ways:
- At our address in Sofia, Lagera, "Balkanji Iovo" street 7, Ground floor
(For More information check Contact)
- to send it by courier to you at your expense.
Standard responsibility of pratki.de is limited to direct damage within the kilogram. For justified complaints amount of compensation for damaged, destroyed or lost item at the rate of 15 BGN per kilogram, but not more than 100 BGN for parcel in providing appropriate evidence attesting to the value of the consignment to increase security to the real value of shipments can use the "Additional insurance" when registering your shipment or assisted order.
- Cash or with POS terminal in place at the time of receipt of the goods at our office in Sofia
- Bank transfer
- Courier COD (cache on delivery)
- PayPal
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